One Liner: Find your computers DHCP IP address


Trying to teach myself what PowerShell replacements there are for well known CMD commands. I have always used IPConfig, even in PowerShell out of old habit. What commandlet you can use in PowerShell is Get-NetIPAddress.

Heres Microsofts description:


Example of output:


Here is a one liner for finding your computers DHCP address:

Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object {$_.PrefixOrigin -eq 'DHCP'} | Select-Object IPAddress

One thought on “One Liner: Find your computers DHCP IP address

  1. You probably should also include IPv6 so:

    Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object { @(‘DHCP’, ‘RouterAdvertisement’) -contains $_.PrefixOrigin; }
    | Select-Object IPAddress;

    Also keep in mind that with WiFi and wired, IPv6, VPNs etc. it is rare to have just a single address anymore. My laptop has 25 at the moment.

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