Should I let Azure OpenAI reply to my emails?

What if AI could reply to all your emails, would you let it? In this blog post, I have created a short proof of concept that does exactly that: let AI answer emails on your behalf. This is done by using Power Automate and Azure OpenAI. The flow looks at the current email chain, and … Continue reading Should I let Azure OpenAI reply to my emails?

Delegated Graph API calls in Azure Function!

Today we are from start to end going to learn how to create an Azure Function that you trigger by using an HTTP trigger. This HTTP trigger redirects you to a log-on page, and after successfully authenticating, the Azure Function can do a delegated Graph API call on your behalf. The Azure Function will also … Continue reading Delegated Graph API calls in Azure Function!

Azure AI Speech Service and PowerShell

I have been playing around with the Azure AI Speech Service lately. In short, it's a service to generate text-to-voice and voice-to-text. You can even train it to understand certain voices from recordings and generate a new text-to-speech voice based on a recording of your own voice. You can read more in-depth details here. I … Continue reading Azure AI Speech Service and PowerShell

Get Chat GPT / Azure OpenAI responses based on documents in SharePoint / Teams

This is currently in preview, but here is the way to get started with having Chat GPT / Azure OpenAI giving responses based on your own internal documents you have store in a SharePoint document library. Go to If you already have access to Azure OpenAI, click Create a Resource. Fill out the following and … Continue reading Get Chat GPT / Azure OpenAI responses based on documents in SharePoint / Teams

How do I have a conversation with the Azure OpenAI/GPT API?

In my blog post "Getting Started with Azure OpenAI and PowerShell" I explored how to use the completion endpoint in Azure OpenAI to get answers to single questions/prompts with no context history. Now we are taking it to the next step, by having a conversation with the AI. So how do we actually do this? … Continue reading How do I have a conversation with the Azure OpenAI/GPT API?

Free up a room in a meeting series or single event if it’s not going to be used!

Probably many people book a meeting series and invite a meeting room to that series. What happen the days people decide that today we can take the meeting over Teams, and won't need to be in the meeting room today? People usually forget to cancel/free up the room. We end up with many rooms being … Continue reading Free up a room in a meeting series or single event if it’s not going to be used!

Monitor and reset to the original Sensitivity Label if changed for your SharePoint site or M365 Group/Team!

For a couple of years now, I have struggled to find a secure way to set sensitivity labels on M365 Groups/teams and SharePoint sites. Yes, I know you can set it with Microsoft Graph, but that's with Delegated rights. I want to be able to set this fully automatically as a background automation task. For … Continue reading Monitor and reset to the original Sensitivity Label if changed for your SharePoint site or M365 Group/Team!