Finaly a new SfB client for Mac!

When i got back to the IT game this fall, i was verry pleased to read that OSX i getting a brand new Skype for Business client.  Built from the ground up in SWIFT! No old Lync client code is used.

The new client have been in public preview since April, adding more and more features along the way. Rumours has it that public availibility for the finished version will be in october. Since we are already halway trough october, we hopefully will see the finished product soon. I think the preview aproach is a good way to go, as seen with Office for Mac 2016. Microsoft get alot of user feeback, and can release a much more stable software when hitting final version.


Here is the features planned in the preview stages:


Features later this year and on the roadmap. As you might notice there is no persistent chat on the “Future Mac backlog”, but dont worry, this is a short term backlog. So hopefully it will be on the backlog later on.


User interface

Goodbye Lync for Mac:


Welcome to the future:

I think that almost evryone will agree with me that the new UI much better than the old one. It continues Microsofts all over new UI look for most products. 

At last, you won’t have to explain where to find the log files anymore:


You can see a full walktrough of the new client in this session from MS Ignite 2016.

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