Teams Auto Attendant Holiday Schedule Generator


Simple and short blogpost this time to help get ready for the holidays. The script reads the holidays for a specified country from and adds them to a specified Auto Attendant in Teams.


### Teams Auto Attendant Holiday Schedule Generator ###
### Version 1.0 ###
### Author: Alexander Holmeset ###
### Email: [email protected] ###
### Twitter: ###
### Blog: ###
#Enter you AutoAttendant ID
$AutoAttendantID = "159980fb-ec85-4c3d-b8be-e09a2a17f4eb"
#Enter what country you need holidays from. Se valid countries in Mostcountries function.
$Country = "Norway"
#Function for catching data from, and convert it to a variable.
function Mostcountries {
$uri = "$Country/index.php"
$html = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri
$tables = $html.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('tr') |
Where-Object {$_.classname -eq 'region' -or $_.classname -eq 'country' -or $_.classname -eq 'region-past' -or $_.classname -eq 'country-past' -or $_.classname -eq 'nap-past' -or $_.classname -eq 'govt-past' -or $_.classname -eq 'region ' -or $_.classname -eq 'country ' -or $_.classname -eq 'region-past ' -or $_.classname -eq 'country-past ' -or $_.classname -eq 'nap-past ' -or $_.classname -eq 'govt-past '} |
Select-Object -exp innerHTML
$script:holidays = foreach ($table In $tables){
$Date = (($table -split 'datetime="')[1] -split '">')[0];
$Title = ((($table -split "<TD><A title=")[1] -split ">")[1] -split "</A")[0]
Title = $Title ; Date = $Date | Get-Date -UFormat %d/%m/%Y
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Mostcountries -country $Country
$holidaylist = @()
foreach($holiday in $holidays){
$object = [PSCustomObject]@{
Title = $holiday.Title ; StartDate1 = $holiday.Date | Get-Date -UFormat %d/%m/%Y ; EndDateTime1 = ""; StartDateTime2 = ""; EndDateTime2 = ""; StartDateTime3 = ""; EndDateTime3 = ""; StartDateTime4 = ""; EndDateTime4 = ""; StartDateTime5 = ""; EndDateTime5 = ""; StartDateTime6 = ""; EndDateTime6 = ""; StartDateTime7 = ""; EndDateTime7 = ""; StartDateTime8 = ""; EndDateTime8 = ""; StartDateTime9 = ""; EndDateTime9 = ""; StartDateTime10 = ""; EndDateTime10 = ""
$holidaylist += $object
$holidaylist | Export-Csv -Path C:\temp\Holidays.csv -Encoding UTF8
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("C:\temp\Holidays.csv")
#Import-CsAutoAttendantHolidays -Identity $AutoAttendantID -Input $bytes

Link to script.

3 thoughts on “Teams Auto Attendant Holiday Schedule Generator

  1. Hi Alex,

    Fantastic blog post!

    i found many of the holidays generated fall on a weekend which makes them redundant if the AA / CQ only operates on a weekday.

    Any chance these can somehow be excluded?

    Thanks again!



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